2024 Award Nomination Form Click Here

Submissions will be accepted through OCT 14.

Awards and Criteria Listed Below

Distinguished Service Award | Young Professional Award | Award of Excellence - Program

Award of Excellence- Facility or Project | Award of Excellence - Marketing & Communications

ORPS Citation | Ben Sumrall Memorial Youth Sports Scholarship

Distinguished Service Award

This award may be presented annually to not more than one (1) professional member of the Society. Candidates must meet the following criteria:

✓ Professional membership in ORPS for minimum of ten (10) years

✓ Minimum ten (10) years experience as a leader, supervisor, administrator, consultant, professional member, educator, or a combination of these services in the field of Parks and Recreation

✓ Must be a registered member of the Society (if retired, must have been a registered member of the Society)

✓ Contributions to the profession through ORPS, NRPA, its branches and/or allied organizations

✓ Distinctive leadership in the promotion, organization and development of a pioneer type activity in the field of Parks and Recreation

✓ Outstanding service to the profession through the allied field of arts, crafts, physical education, sports, health and safety education, design, park maintenance, horticulture, education, consultation services, etc.

✓ Nominated by a current ORPS member in good standing other than self

✓ Fine moral character

Candidates must meet at least one of the following groups of qualifications:

▪ Elected officer of ORPS, NRPA, Regional Council, AAHPERD, AAU, ACA, National Industrial Fitness Council, State Affiliates, etc.

▪ Council or Board work in ORPS, NRA or state/community agencies

▪ Committee work in ORPS, NRPA or allied organizations

▪ Evidence or professional research, publications, or participation in professional conference as a speaker or panel member

▪ Original contribution which has affected the philosophy or practice of the profession

Young Professional Award

✓ Professional membership in ORPS

✓ Must be thirty-five (35) years of age or less

✓ At least three (3) years experience as a leader, supervisor, administrator, consultant, or combination of the above in the field of Parks and Recreation

✓ Must have contributed to the Park & Recreation movement through advocacy of its concept, as evidenced by the publication of articles or service as a speaker, moderator, or panelist before national, regional, or state professional or lay groups

✓ Must have demonstrated responsible performance in the delivery of service in support of the Park & Recreation movement in a state or local arena of practice

✓ Nominated by a current ORPS member in good standing other than self

Award of Excellence- Program or Special Event

This award may be presented annually to not more than three (3) agencies demonstrating outstanding quality and professionalism in the areas of parks and recreation programming. An agency may only receive one award in this category; however multiple entries by an agency are encouraged and will be accepted. Factors to be considered include:

✓ The program concept, uniqueness, and originality

✓ Community needs that were served by the program

✓ Initial goals or programs and achievements realized

✓ Funding sources

✓ Revenue produce

✓ Marketing methods employed

✓ Use of scholarships

✓ Inter-agency cooperation

✓ Use of volunteers

✓ Private sector and non-profit organization involvement

Award of Excellence - Facility/Project

This award may be presented annually to not more than three (3) agencies demonstrating outstanding quality and professionalism in the areas of parks and recreation facility design and function. An agency may only receive one award in this category; however multiple entries by an agency are encouraged and will be accepted. Factors to be considered include:

✓ How the facility/project compliments existing Parks & Recreation programs and facilities

✓ Special or innovative design features

✓ Efficiencies realized in energy utilization

✓ Maintenance requirements

✓ Supervision requirements

✓ Accessibility improvements for general public and special populations

✓ Creative financing schemes

✓ Private sector or non-profit organization involvement

✓ Cooperative agreements

✓ Construction by agency staff

✓ Quality of workmanship

✓ Special features

✓ Improvements realized in public service

Award of Excellence- Marketing & Communications

This award may be presented annually to not more than three (3) agencies demonstrating outstanding quality and professionalism in the areas of parks and recreation marketing & communication. An agency may only receive one award in this category; however multiple entries by an agency are encouraged and will be accepted. Entries can include but should not be limited to.

✓ Video Marketing – Television, social media, YouTube or informational videos.

✓ Digital Media – Websites, social media, blogs, new/emerging platforms and app development

✓ Print Publications – Brochures, flyers, annual reports newsletters

✓ Marketing Campaigns

✓ Promotional Material

✓ Special Event or targeted program marketing

ORPS Citation

This award may be presented annually to an individual or to organizations. Candidates must meet the following criteria:

Individual – Any person who has made an outstanding contribution to the recreation, park or conservation movement. This contribution may be made in the form of preparing or sponsoring legislation, supporting the movement at all levels, serving as a board or commission member, serving on a citizens committee which works to raise funds, securing approval of bond issues, and any other services which would entitle the individual to consideration.

Organization – Any organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the recreation, park or conservation movement.

  • Any member of ORPS may submit names and candidates.
  • Any person who is a professional or laymen who has made outstanding contributions to ORPS and the recreation, park, or conservation movement may submit names and candidates.

Ben Sumrall Memorial Youth Sports Scholarship

This scholarship may be presented annually to not more than one (1) professional member/agency per category to promote youth sports participation to those who otherwise would be unable to participate. Each scholarship is $200. Applicants for this scholarship should include the following information regarding the program content:

✓ How it is funded and how the scholarship would be used to promote youth sports

✓ Eligible applicants will be divided into one of the two categories

Parks & Recreation Department

Community Center/Service Providers




ORPS | PO BOX 631 | Edmond, OK  73083 | 405-780-2345 | ed@orps.us

Oklahoma Recreation and Parks Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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